How to Join and Earn Money as an Affiliate on

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How to Join and Earn Money as an Affiliate on

Steps to Join as an Affiliate

Step 1: Open the Website

Step 1: Open the Website (

Step 2: Click on Login

Find the Login button at the top right corner and click on it.

When you click on Login, a pop-up window with Login and Sign-Up options will appear.

Login and Sign-Up Pop-up

Step 3: Sign Up

In the pop-up window, click on the Sign Up tab.

Click On Sign Up

Enter your Email, first name, last name, and password. Confirm your password.

Check the box to accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Click On Sign Up

Click on Sign Up.

Note: If you filled in your details correctly, you are now an affiliate on Congratulations!

Steps to Start Selling Products

Step 1: Open the Website

Step 1: Open the Website (

Step 2: Go to the E-books Page

Click On E-book

Click on the E-book in the navigation bar.

Step 3: Select an E-book

Choose the e-book you want to sell.

Choose the e-book you want to sell.

Copy the URL of the e-book you want to sell.

Copy the URL of the e-book you want to sell.

Step 4: Go to My Account

Hover your mouse over your username at the top right corner.

Hover your mouse over your username at the top right corner.

Click on My Account.

click on Affiliate Links.

In My account, click on Affiliate Links.

Paste the URL of the e-book you copied.

Paste the URL of the e-book you copied.

Click on Generate

Click on Generate to get your unique affiliate link.

Click On Copy

Now, click on “Copy” to copy your unique affiliate link.

Share your affiliate link with your friends, on social media.

Earn Money

  • Every time someone buys an e-book using your link, you will earn 50% of the sale.
  • If someone clicks your link and buys anything on the site within 30 days, you will also earn money.

Note: By following these easy steps, you can join as an affiliate and start earning money on Happy selling!

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